Protect | Promote | Support Breastfeeding

First Line Lactation Childbirth Support Services aim to assist all new moms in creating a system of care that prioritizes giving breast milk to healthy and unhealthy infants (especially small, ill, premature, and/or sick infants who are initially unable to feed directly at the breast). A supportive setting can promote access to breast milk and exclusive breastfeeding. The majority of postnatal/neonatal wards have presented barriers to successful breastfeeding. Here, you can access First Line Lactation Childbirth Support Services.

Prenatal and postnatal counselling and assistance are crucial stages to support the initiation and maintenance of a mother’s milk production and breastfeeding, since encouragement from healthcare providers dramatically enhances breastfeeding initiation. Participating in the baby’s care provides the mother confidence in raising her child and allays her concerns about the baby’s health. Feedings of expressed mother’s milk should be utilized since many ill and/or preterm new-borns are unable to feed themselves completely at the breast. After discharge, follow-up is required by IBCLC professionals. Facilities that guarantee adherence to evidence-based maternity and new-born care recommendations can significantly enhance the health and wellbeing of both mothers and babies.

When the baby experiences complications or when the mother returns to work, mothers frequently report a decrease in milk production. Another obstacle to developing and sustaining a milk supply is maternal tiredness, which can be brought on by postpartum experiences or later by having to return to work or take care of household responsibilities. In order to increase new-borns’ access to breastfeeding, First Line Lactation Childbirth Support Service focuses on ensuring optimal feeding support for new mothers and their infants through immediate support to initiate and establish breastfeeding, feeding practices and additional needs of infants, and creating an enabling environment. Infants who are premature or sickly may not be able to nurse at delivery, but they can benefit from expressed breast milk right away and eventually start nursing.


  • Lactation Consultation by IBCLC(International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) to solve your breastfeeding issues.
     Hospital Visit
     Home Visit
     Online consultation
  • Antenatal Class
  • Postnatal Class
  • Birth Support Services
  • Postnatal Care
  • Training for working mothers to continue with breastfeeding

When is the ideal time to meet with a lactation consultant?

People consult lactation Consultant at various times throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Depending on your particular circumstances, the IBCLC may recommend different intervals for your visits. However, research indicates that speaking with an LC can increase the length of time a woman breastfeeds. First Line Lactation Childbirth Support Services is available to you.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy you can meet a Lactation Consultant during Antenatal classes.

  • We help expectant mothers build confidence and knowledge about what to expect after giving birth, including:
  • How to identify when the baby is hungry
  • How to maintain a healthy supply of breast milk
  • When to seek help and more!

During the hospital stay

You can make an appointment with the lactation consultant for the hospital visit and benefit the best breastfeeding practices from the start of baby’s life.

After discharge from hospital

  • After you leave the hospital, you can make an appointment for a home visit with our a lactation consultant. Women seek the help of a LC to ensure they are on the right track while breastfeeding or if there are concerns about breastfeeding/milk supply.
  • Remember that even if you see a lactation consultant during your hospital stay, at any point while breastfeeding problems can suddenly arise that weren’t there to begin with. It’s important to have support with questions or concerns about breastfeeding, and in these cases, a lactation consultant is the right person to call.
  • Do not hesitate to contact our lactation consultant. If you have issues that don’t go away or improve, it’s important to contact IBCLC, so your issues can be resolved quickly. The sooner you can treat and resolve breastfeeding problems, the better for you and your baby.
  • Here with First Line Lactation Childbirth Support Services, you can schedule a Lactation Consultation by WhatSapp/Call – 00971 557144085 or sending an email to or

What to expect from a Lactation consultation?

During your first meeting, a lactation consultant will need information about your health and that of your baby, as well as your pregnancy and delivery. Also want to know your baby’s birth weight, any weight changes, and your family medical history etc. They’ll want to know how well your baby is breastfed, how many wet diapers he/she gets each day, information about your baby’s bowel movements, and any specific concerns you may have.

Clinically, the lactation consultant

  • Assess baby’s appearance and behaviour
  • Examine your breasts and nipples
  • Monitor your baby while breastfeeding and adjust your breastfeeding position if necessary
  • Check that the baby latches, sucks, swallows and breathes correctly
  • Correct any existing breastfeeding problems
  • Give you advice and directions to follow
  • Explain how to contact them for further assistance or question

Breastfeeding is a very personal experience and you shouldn’t compare yourself to anyone else or even your own past feeding experiences. Some mothers continue to breastfeed without problems, others feed for a few weeks and still others for months or a year or more. Some for nothing: every mother and child deserves the opportunity to choose what she feels is right for them. We appreciate and respect everyone’s preferences and support them throughout the Breastfeeding journey. Ultimately, our main goal is to see happy and fulfilled mother and baby with successful breast feeding.
First Line Lactation Childbirth Support Services for you whenever you need us.